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Become a Member

If you are interested in TREC, we would love you to join our friendly and welcoming club!

Annual membership of Wessex TREC costs just £10 (£5 for juniors under 18) and you do not have to live in the Wessex region. Membership runs from 1st October to 30th September. For anyone joining from 1st July, the membership will run through until September the following year. All are welcome, including supporters (free to join), junior riders and veterans. A three month trial membership is also available for £5, extendable to full membership for a further £5 if required at the end of the trial period.

Benefits include:

  • Discounts on entry fees for competitions and training, where you will quickly recoup the cost of joining;
  • Access to our members only Facebook page;
  • Eligibility for our club leagues and awards;
  • Voting rights at our AGM;
  • Regular news bulletins and updates on our activities

To join or renew, please complete the online form below.

For further information or enquiries, please contact the Membership Secretary, Fran Huckle