If you are entering a child under 18 for a competition please fill in this form and submit it immediately following your entry submission.Alternatively you can download a paper copy of this form herePlease check the event schedule for address to send completed paper forms.Name of Child *Date of Birth *Any Disabilities or Special Needs *Event Name *Venue *Event Date *Address of Parent/Guardian *Town/CityCountyPost Code *Phone *Mobile *In case of Emergency number *If you are not attending the event with your child who will be responsible for them at the event:Name *Phone *Additional details *Any information, given in confidence, of which the organisers should be aware – specific dietary needs, details of any medication, allergies etc.DECLARATION: *I have received comprehensive details of this event and consent to my child taking part in the activities indicated. I consent to my child receiving any medical treatment, which in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner, may be necessary.Photos *YesNoI am aware that photographs will be taken during the TREC event for promotional purposes and give consent for my child to feature in such photos.Parent/Guardian Email Address Submit